Metabolism in human health and disease

Viral reprogramming

Viral reprogramming

Cancer proliferation

Cancer proliferation

Cellular differentiation

Cellular differentiation


August 6, 2024The lab is awarded a UH2 grant from the National Cancer Institute to fund Sydney's project studying the role of dietary lipids in pancreatic cancer development!
August 7, 2024The Christofk Lab has a TikTok account!
July 25, 2025Heather's Cell Voices piece is featured in Cell's 50th anniversary in 2024- Metabolism Special Issue
July 1, 2024The lab is awarded funding from the V Foundation for Cancer Research to investigate fumarate-deficient hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer!
July 1, 2024Sara Frigui is awarded the BSCRC Predoctoral Fellowship!
May 8, 2024Houfu's poster wins 1st place postdoc poster at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Symposium!
Dec 8, 2023Cesar's paper on fetal development and maternal diabetes is spotlighted by UCLA!
Dec 8, 2023Cesar’s paper on fetal metabolism in diabetic pregnancy is published in Cell!
Jul 17, 2023Cesar is featured in UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center’s inaugural cohort of trainee outreach mentors
Jul 12, 2023Blake's discovery featured in a UCLA Health New & Insights article!
May 31, 2023Blake Wilde's paper showing that FH variant pathogenicity promotes purine salvage pathway dependence in kidney cancer has been published in Cancer Discovery
Apr 23, 2023Congratulations to Andy for his paper in Cell Reports showing that RNA binding protein ZFP36 regulates metabolism through mRNA decay!
Mar 23, 2023The lab welcomes its newest member Sara Frigui to the team!
Oct 4, 2022The lab welcomes its newest member Houfu Leng to the team!
Oct 3, 2022The lab welcomes the newest member of the team, Arissa Young!
Aug 31, 2022Sydney Campbell is awarded the Jonsson Cancer Center Fellowship
Jul 12, 2021The lab is very happy to welcome its newest Postdoctoral fellow Sydney Campbell to the lab!
July 1, 2021Cesar Perez is awarded the Broad Stem Cell Research Center (BSCRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship
Mar 25, 2021Pete Mullen's paper showing how SARS-CoV-2 rewires host cell metabolism and might be susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition is published in Nature Communications
Mar 4, 2021Cesar Perez's review on the challenges to studying stem cell metabolism published in Cell Stem Cell
Feb 17, 2021Abby Krall's and Pete Mullen's paper showing that asparagine couples mitochondrial respiration to ATF4 activity and tumor growth is published in Cell Metabolism
Dec 3, 2020Blakes Wilde's spotlight article is published in Molecular Cell
Sep 17, 2020Along with collaborator Brian Shuch, Heather is awarded a Kidney Cancer Association Advanced Discovery Award to investigate asparagine dependence in kidney cancer
Jun 26, 2020Heather is promoted to full professor!
Jun 18, 2020Andy Cicchetto is awarded a Vascular Biology Training Grant
Jun 17, 2020The lab welcomes its newest member Nedas Matulionis to the team!
Jun 15, 2020Berfin Seyran (co-mentored by Bill Lowry) and Suzi Shapira are awarded Broad Stem Cell Research Center (BSCRC) Postdoctoral Fellowships
Jun 3, 2020Heather contributes commentary about supporting young female scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic to Cell Metabolism
Apr 28, 2020Suzi Shapira's review on metabolic regulation of tissue stem cells is published in Trends in Cell Biology
Mar 19, 2020Pre-print of study examining the role of asparagine as an indicator of mitochondrial respiration is published on bioRxiv
Oct 17, 2019Blake Wilde receives American Cancer Society fellowship
Sep 4, 2019Christofk lab celebrates 10-year anniversary
Jul 18, 2019Review on viral metabolism is published in BMC Biology
Mar 28, 2019Shivani Thaker successfully defends her thesis
Feb 28, 2019Study on metabolic reprogramming of human cells by ZIKV is published in Cell Metabolism
Sep 6, 2018Study on how extracellular matrix remodeling regulates glycolytic flux in human cancer cells is published in Cell
Apr 5, 2018Abby Krall successfully defends her thesis
Mar 1, 2018James Ch'ng receives St. Baldrick's fellowship
Sep 14, 2017Bj Sullivan successfully defends his thesis
Jun 13, 2017Lisa Situ is awarded Dean's prize at 2017 UCLA research poster day
Dec 5, 2016Wen Gu successfully defends his thesis
Oct 6, 2016Manuscript previewed in Cell Stem Cell
Sep 8, 2016Publication in Cell Stem Cell
Apr 29, 2016Publication in Nature Communications
Feb 23, 2016Publication in Cell Reports
Feb 12, 2016Heather receives tenure!
Dec 2, 2015Candice Hong successfully defends her thesis
Nov 12, 2015Publication in Nature Communications
Apr 1, 2014Publication in Cell Metabolism
Dec 10, 2012Publication in Cancer Discovery
Sep 28, 2011Heather Christofk & Utpal Banerjee receive prestigious grants from the National Institute of Health
Jan 20, 2010Heather wins a prestigious grant to study cancer metabolism